Join Master Pastel Artist, Rae Smith for an enjoyable day learning to use Soft Pastel. You will have the opportunity to create two pastel paintings. Weather permitting, you will have the chance to paint outdoors.
Lunch break 12-1 (bring your lunch)
Fee: $80.00
Registration -
Payment -
Artist Rae Smith, PAC is a signature member of, VANS (Visual Arts Nova Scotia) and CARFAC. He is a well-known and accomplished artist who has been bringing Pastel Painting to life for Nova Scotians for close to 60 years. Rae lives in Sackville, Nova Scotia and spends his summers at his cottage on the ocean in East Chester. Sailing Mahone Bay provides much of his subject matter. He exhibits at Going Coastal Gallery in Chester, and Gallery 97 in Lower Sackville. Rae is a well known and respected teacher who has been teaching Pastel Workshops for many years in Halifax and Lower Sackville. He also lectures for art groups throughout Nova Scotia.
Supply List:
· Box of soft pastels (not oil pastels)
· 3-4 pastel pencils
· Easel, a board, or heavy cardboard approx.
· 18”x24” or light plywood.
· 4 bulldog clips or masking tape to fasten paper to the board.
· A small disposable container (yogurt cup) and a small bottle of rubbing alcohol from a drugstore.
· Several cheap brushes ½ “or bigger (dollar store ones)
· A pencil and a notebook or paper to take notes.
· 4 to 8 photographs you have taken of landscapes you might like to paint, please avoid bringing copies of other artist’s paintings from magazines, internet, etc.
· An iPad is handy to copy a subject matter, to paint from.
· We may paint outside, so dress appropriately.